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1. Commitment

We at Vretta recognize the importance of your privacy as you navigate through our website. We utilize cookies to enhance your browsing experience and provide functionalities that meet your needs. Our commitment to safeguarding your personal information extends to how we manage the cookies on our website.

We are committed to transparency in the use of your information. This Cookie Policy is designed to inform you about how we deploy cookies, the types of cookies we use, and the specific purposes for which they are used. We ensure that all cookie usage on our site complies with legal and regulatory standards, particularly under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Our commitment is as follows:

  • ​​We will employ cookies solely for the purposes outlined herein, ensuring they are essential for a smooth and functional browsing experience.
  • We pledge to use cookies transparently, providing you with clear information about the nature of each cookie, its provider, its purpose, the data it collects, and its retention period.
  • We will not share the information collected by cookies with any third party unless necessary to provide the services you requested or to comply with legal obligations.

Your privacy is our top priority. We are committed to using cookies that respect your privacy rights and align with your preferences. We value your choices and strive to provide a browsing experience tailored to your needs.

2. Understanding Cookies

Cookies are small text files stored on your device (computer, tablet, or mobile phone) when you visit a website. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website and can be accessed by the web server or the client's computer; this allows the server to deliver a page tailored to a specific user, or the page itself can contain some script which is aware of the data in the cookie and thus is able to carry information from one visit to the website (or related site) to the next.

Upon your first visit to our website, you will have the opportunity to accept or ​​decline. This is designed to ensure that our website remembers your preferences (such as username and language, among others) for a certain period of time. Therefore, you will not need to re-enter them while browsing the website during the same visit.

By using our website, you agree to the placement of functional and strictly necessary cookies, which are designed to enhance your interaction with Vretta. We prioritize transparency and give you control over your cookie preferences, respecting your choices and privacy.

3. Cookie Usage and Management

At Vretta, we leverage cookies to enhance your navigation and interaction with our website, ensuring a personalized and efficient online experience.

Our cookies are not used for marketing purposes, nor do they track your activity across websites for advertising. They are strictly employed to improve our website's functionality and provide the services you need while ensuring your privacy and data security

Here is how we implement cookies on our website:

3.1. Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies are the cookies that are essential for the operation of our website. They enable core functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not require your consent, as they are critical for the website to function properly. They ensure that your use of our digital environment is secure and compliant with regulatory standards. The following table summarizes the cookie usage activities related to the necessary cookies employed on our website.

#HostCookie NameServicePurposeCookie Type and Duration
3.1.1. olfskCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareMaintains chat history across pages.First-party; 1 year Cookie set by Olark Live Chat software Provides functionality for websites to engage in the chat with visitors. Contains a site identifier, used for security purposes. First-party; Session set by Olark Live Chat softwareProvides functionality for websites to engage in chat with visitors. Used to improve caching of software.First-party; Session
3.1.4.hypatia.vretta.comolfskCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareMaintains chat history across pages.First-party; 1 year
3.1.5.hypatia.vretta.com_okCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareProvides functionality for websites to engage in chat with visitors. Contains a site identifier, used for security purposes.First-party; Session
3.1.6.hypatia.vretta.com_oklvCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareProvides functionality for websites to engage in chat with visitors. Used to improve caching of software.First-party; Session
3.1.7.m.stripe.commStripe Payment ProcessingThis domain is associated with Stripe, a company that provides payment processing software and application programming interfaces for e-commerce websites and mobile applications.Third-party; 1 year
3.1.8.hypatia.vretta.com_okdetectCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareDetects when storage contexts have changed due to SSL or host transitions (helps maintain your chat across pages).First-party; Session
3.1.9.hypatia.vretta.com_okckCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareUsed to test whether the visitor's browser allows cookies to be stored.First-party; Session
3.1.10.hypatia.vretta.comwcsidCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareSession identifier used only on our site to keep track of a single chat session. First-party; Session
3.1.11.hypatia.vretta.com_okcsCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareUsed to store chat state information, maintaining session specifics.First-party; Session set by Olark Live Chat softwareDetects when storage contexts have changed due to SSL or host transitions (helps maintain your chat across pages).First-party; Session set by Olark Live Chat softwareUsed to test whether the visitor's browser allows cookies to be stored.First-party; Session set by Olark Live Chat softwareSession identifier used only on our site to keep track of a single chat session.First-party; Session set by Olark Live Chat softwareUsed to store chat state information, maintaining session specifics.First-party; Session
3.1.16.boxen.vretta.comoc_sessionPassphraseOwnCloudUsed to secure sessions with a passphrase for encrypted session data.First-party; Session
3.1.17.boxen.vretta.comocqvz8yfasq9OwnCloudUsed to identify user sessions and maintain secure connections.First-party; Session
3.1.18.static.olark.com_okgidCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareUsed to test whether the visitor's browser allows cookies to be stored.Third-party; Session

Here is a detailed explanation of the functional cookies we use and their purposes:

3.2.1. Olark Live Chat Software

These cookies enable the functionality of our live chat feature, allowing for real-time communication between you and our support team. Cookies from Olark maintain software state information and help manage chat sessions effectively. They ensure that your message history is preserved across different pages of our site, facilitating a seamless communication experience. Additionally, these cookies help identify you when you return, enhancing your interaction without needing to reintroduce previously discussed concerns.

3.2.2. Stripe Payments

Stripe cookies are essential for processing payments securely on our website. They provide critical functionality that enables transactions without storing sensitive financial information on our servers. These cookies remember your identity during the transaction process to ensure that your user experience is consistent and secure from start to finish. By remembering who you are, Stripe can process payments efficiently, reducing the need for you to re-enter your payment information for each transaction.

The following table summarizes the cookie usage activities related to the functional cookies employed on our website.

#HostCookie NameServicePurposeCookie Type and Duration
3.2.1. _okbkCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareProvides functionality for websites to engage in chat with visitors. Contains software state information.First-party; Session
3.2.2.hypatia.vretta.com__stripe_sid Stripe Payment Processing Stripe is used to making credit card payments. Stripe uses a cookie to remember who you are and to enable the website to process payments without storing any credit card information on its own servers. First-party; Session set by Olark Live Chat softwareProvides functionality for websites to engage in chat with visitors. Contains software state information.First-party; Session Payment ProcessingStripe is used to making credit card payments. Stripe uses a cookie to remember who you are and to enable the website to process payments without storing any credit card information on its own servers.First-party; Session
3.2.5.hypatia.vretta.comhblidCookie set by Olark Live Chat softwareIdentifies a unique visitor between visits.First-party; 1 year Payment ProcessingStripe is used to making credit card payments. Stripe uses a cookie to remember who you are and to enable the website to process payments without storing any credit card information on its own servers.First-party; 1 year set by Olark Live Chat softwareIdentifies a unique visitor between visits.First-party; 1 year
3.2.8.hypatia.vretta.com__stripe_midStripe Payment ProcessingStripe is used to making credit card payments. Stripe uses a cookie to remember who you are and to enable the website to process payments without storing any credit card information on its own servers.First-party; 1 year

4. Managing Your Cookie Preferences

At Vretta, we believe in providing comprehensive control over your digital experience; this includes how cookies are used when you visit our website. Here is how you can manage your cookie preferences to tailor your browsing experience according to your needs:

4.1. Cookie Consent Banner

Upon your first visit to our website, a cookie consent banner will appear, allowing you to accept or decline the use of Non-Necessary cookies.

Click here to manage your cookie preferences

4.2. Browser Settings

You can also manage your cookies through your web browser settings anytime. Most browsers offer functionalities that allow you to see which cookies are currently stored on your device, delete them individually, or block cookies from specific or all websites.

4.3. Additional Tools

For those seeking another layer of privacy, third-party tools are available to manage cookies. These tools can help you detect and manage cookies on various websites, ensuring your preferences are respected across your online activities.

By adjusting your cookie settings, you can control the level of monitoring and personalization you permit, ensuring that your browsing experience aligns with your privacy preferences. We respect your decisions and will comply with your preferences to the fullest extent within the technical limitations of our website functionalities. Please contact our Data Protection Officer for further guidance or more information on our cookie practices.

5. Contact

If you have questions, concerns, or would like to provide us with any feedback on our Cookie Policy, please reach out to our Data Protection Officer at

6. Revision History

Please note that our Cookie Policy is reviewed, audited, and revised periodically without notice. It is your responsibility to review the Cookie Policy each time you use our website.

Cookie Policy audited by a third-party auditor for compliance with the GDPRMay 10, 2024